Exhibiting 101

Set goals

Before signing up for an event write down a list of key goals that you want to achieve by exhibiting. These will determine what shows you sign up for, as well as what strategies you employ when preparing for the event. Make sure some of them are measurable, such as signing up a certain number of leads, taking a certain number of product pre-orders, and so on.  

Put together a winning team

Exhibitions require a lot of energy which means it's important to choose your team wisely. Look for enthusiastic staff with high energy levels and a good work ethic. At the end of the day, these are the people who will sell your product or service and turn attendees into prospective leads. Fun fact: 80% of the success of your stand depends on your staff!  

Invest in promotional materials

If you want your exhibition to make an impact it pays to invest in professional quality promotional materials. This includes pop-up stands and banners, as well as smaller material such as flyers, business cards, and so on. 

Hiring a van to transport materials and staff from A to B

Once you've ordered a set of promotional materials you're going to need to get them to the exhibition destination. Often stands and banners can be quite large which calls for something a little bigger than your average hatchback. Renting a van with Nationwide Hire is an easy and cost-effective way of transporting materials from A to B. You can also use it to transport your team of staff which will save on bus and train fares.  

Ask open questions

When chatting to attendees be sure to pepper the conversation with open questions that require a response. Questions that invite a simple yes or no response don't open any doors.  

Follow up on leads

The exhibition may be over but your works not done yet! Days, weeks, and even months after the event you should follow up on any leads that you gained. Making contact six times is the recommended amount.  

With these simple yet effective tips in mind, you should be able to make the absolute most out of every exhibition you showcase at.